
These are my personal ratings and mini reviews for shows that I've completely watched. The shows are separated by country and contain symbols that will help you figure out which show to watch next! I've watched a lot of shows, so it will take me a while to post reviews for EVERYTHING I've watched. This is a work in progress! 

5 stars - I highly recommend you watch, and 100% re-watch value
4 stars-  I highly recommend you watch, and 50% re-watch value
3 stars-  I might recommend but not everyone will like it. No re-watch value
2 stars- I don't recommend unless you're bored and trying to kill time
1 star- Don't waste your time 

  - Personal favorite/ must watch
( ≧Д≦) - Sad Ending
(BL) - Boys Love

Korean Dramas

A Daughter Just like you ★★☆☆☆
This has to be the longest drama I have ever started and actually finished. The drama is nothing new but the characters, and comedic battles of the mother and mother-in-law make the story interesting. There are a few romantic story lines but since this is a long show, there are a lot of dragged out situations and stupid problems. Be prepared to fast forward through about 52-54 episodes. Don't start this unless you have a lot time to kill or don't mind watching 3-4 episodes everyday for a month...

♥ A Gentleman’s Dignity ★★★★★
If Sex and the City had a male version, this would be it! The relationship between them was hilarious, all the romance stories were fully developed and it was unique. It offers something different than from the usual stories and noona romances. It’s interesting watching a romance through the man’s POV because they’re aren’t as complicated and they tend to view it differently. Every episode is interesting and there was never a moment that I thought the plot dragged on. Each character’s story was fully developed and given the perfect amount of screen time! 

♥ Doctor Romantic Teacher Kim ★★★★★
Great medical drama that focuses on more than just messy love relationships and triangles. The cast is great and does a good job portraying their characters. It was an emotional rollercoaster ride with its high and lows but an overall good watch!

Chinese Dramas

♥ Addicted Heroin ★★★★★
No doubt the best BL romance I’ve ever watched! The relationship developed at a great pace, and since bother guys were heterosexual before meeting each other, it has that cute gay for you story. The couple’s relationship starts of as enemies, then upgrades to a bromance and finally the relationship starts to develop. I dislike how BL drama’s always have that one crazy female, but luckily in this show she didn’t last long. If you’re interested in watching BL dramas but don’t where to start this one is perfect!

Fiancee ★★★☆☆
For a show centered around an affair and the aftermath, the plot was unexpectedly good. Sadly, the characters weren’t. At first I was rooting for the female lead, but by the end of the show I wanted to slap her. She kept making stupid choices, and kept pushing away the male lead who has been loyal for such a long time. The plot keeps you engaged but some of the scenes leave you dumbfounded by the stupidity of the characters. Every episode I would pull my hair in frustration, but then I'd watch the next episode. This show is addictive. 

My little princess ★★★☆☆

If you can ignore the overly used romance tactics, bad dubbing and cliché plot then you will enjoy this show. The main character is the best part of the show, and the chemistry between the main leads was on point! This is one of those shows where you just enjoy the romance, and not the plot. The plot is solid but there are times where you’ll be scratching your head in confusion.

My Sunshine ★★★★☆

Tiffany Tang and Wallace Chung. How could you go wrong? The romance was cute and chemistry between them was perfect. The show moved at a slow pace allowing time for the relationship to develop, but at certain points it moved too slow and I found myself fast forwarding through certain parts. It has the usual chinese dramas cliches but luckily the love triangle didn’t last long, and there weren't any stupid misunderstandings. Most of the show was about the budding love between the two. Bravo!

 ( ≧Д≦) Nirvana in Fire   ★★★★★
HOLY GRAIL! This Chinese historical drama is definitely one of the best Chinese dramas I’ve watched ever! Wang Kai is no doubt the show stealer here but Hu Ge was the reason I kept watching. Mei Chang Su is probably the best character ever made! The show manages to balance a heavy war story, with humor and a bit of romance. Some of the action stunts (such as the cheesy flying) and annoying side characters can be a turn off, but it is easy to get over. The great cinematography, fighting scenes, and beautiful backgrounds show make up for it and add so much more!

Our Love ★★☆☆☆
I really wanted to love this show, but that didn’t happen. The main couple was so annoying!!! It was like the writers found the manual for the Rich man -poor girl plot line and produced this cliche and overly dramatic show. I started of liking the second couple but I watched this entire show and only saw them kiss once. ONCE! They didn’t become a couple until the last 3-5 episodes so most of the show they were just good friends. What a waste. The only good part of this show was seeing Wei Shawn.

Queen of the SOP ★★★☆☆
The beginning was very hard to get through but I’m glad I stuck it through. The romance was cute and innocent at first, but it later became very adult and hot! The two leads really complimented each other, and the love triangle wasn’t overly drawn out. My only complaint is that in the later episodes the focuses more on the business side of the plot so the romance gets pushed aside. More kisses please! 

♥ To Be a Better Man ★★★★☆
From the cinematography to the cast, this show was great. This show does an excellent job in displaying the true hardships in life. I originally watched this show for Lay from EXO but I got more than I expected. This show is deep and emotional. The romance is heartbreaking, but it is beautiful to see how much a man is willing to do for love. The romance is very important, but the character growth is what drives the show. Terrific! 

When a Snail Falls in Love ★★★★☆
Great psychological thriller and detective show. The romance, which was a main plot driver, was a little weak. Their relationship developed nicely overtime but it never seemed to reach that “mature” stage. I kept saying "Aww, how cute" rather than "Oh heck yeah!" It resembled a high school relationship and not an adult relationship. The number of kisses where few and towards the end the relationship seemed rushed. It was like BAM married (I would like to see this pairing in another show, just to see what else they can offer). The crime aspect of the show is great, but the romance could’ve been better (It's lacking compared to Love Me if You Dare).

Thailand Dramas

 Diary of a Tootsie (BL) ★★★★★
Have you not seen Gus? His cuteness alone is why you should watch this show! The comedic adventures of these 4 tootsies keep you laughing and wanting more! The characters are the stereotypical flamboyant gay guys but they are silly and the actors do a good job of adding depth to their characters! Unlike most Thai dramas, the episodes are short but that just means there is no plot dragging or unnecessary scenes. Last episode leaves you NEEDING more. Luckily there’s a season 2!

Hua Jai Rua Puang ★★☆☆☆

At the beginning my eyes were glued to the screen, and I couldn’t wait for the next episode. By the end, I was wondering what the hell I just watched. This show went from a cute forbidden romance between an aunt and her niece’s fiance, to a show with kidnapping, multiple near death experiences, and lots of gun shootings. The side romance was interesting at first, but became frustrating towards the end. Probably won’t be watching this again….

♥ Love Sick Season 1 (BL) ★★★★☆

Did kids always cuss this much? (☉_☉) The show started at a slow pace and introduced a lot of characters with different plot lines so the story does come across as overwhelming at first. But Dayum! Once you get past the first episode this show becomes a gem full of funny bromance, hilarious pseudo-gay relationships, and flamboyant gay angels! I cried from laughing so hard at the different people in these schools. Noh is absolutely adorable and Phun has this irresistible charm to him. The girls come across as whiny and annoying (expect for Yuri and Phun’s sister) so those plot lines get annoying quick but all the different relationships keep you engaged. Onward to season 2!

 U-Prince Series: My Lovely Geologist ★★★★★
The male lead is so adorable! It was refreshing to see a male lead that wasn’t a player or bad boy. Instead we got T-Rex, a cute, loyal guy who always wears dinosaur costumes and jackets! The romance between the lead couple was sweet and refreshing. Their relationship was thoroughly developed, but I wish we could’ve seen more after they became a couple. Luckily T-Rex makes a few appearances in Badass Baker! Overall this is my favorite of the U-Prince Series!

Japanese Dramas

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